Untitled (Asian Women) [2015 - ongoing]
Untitled (Asian Women) is a long-term project that has been practiced since 2015, utilizing artist’s own body as the visual medium to convey what being an Asian woman means in numerous cultural contexts.
Practice Vol.1, Characters.
The Asian feminine body works as the object of the globalized cultural environment to discuss visual culture, feminism, globalization and political topics. These photographs satirize the representations of Asian women from the Western perspective - high school girls, geishas, submissive housewives, and so on. Some characters wear masks made of scotch tape, symbolizing the vagueness within the portrayal of Asian women in Western culture, and the diverse Asian cultures are extremely lack of nuances in the mass media. Others express explicit and bold body languages to subvert the presupposed stereotypes against Asian women.
Practice Vol.2, Strangers and Strange Spaces.